The Notre-Dame of Orbe
11 July 2019
Orbe is an ancient Roman city, situated on the road that connected Italy with Gaul via the Great Saint-Bernard Pass. The Roman villa in Boscéaz/Orbe has nine mosaics of exceptional quality. A permanent exhibition presents the entire villa.
The kings of Burgundy (443-534), the Merovingian kings (534-751), the Carolingians (751-888), and the Burgundian kings (888-1032) met in the town for important meetings.
The castle was enlarged in the 11th century by Rudolf III (970-1032). The Lords of Montfaucon and Châlon completed the construction with walls, gates and four towers, two of which are still there today. The castle was destroyed in 1475.
The 11th-century church Notre-Dame was by fire in the 15th century and reconstructed in 1525. The six churches and chapels were destroyed in the Reformation. The Notre Dame was spared, however.
Guillaume Farel (1498-1565) and Pierre Viret (1511-1571) proclaimed the Reformation in this church.
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