Erasmus of Rotterdam is back in Basel from not being away.

On Friday, 7 February, publishing House Donker Uitgeverij from Rotterdam presented the complete Dutch edition of Erasmus’ correspondence at the University of Basel’s Kollegienhaus. The publisher noted that this monk’s work took more than 20 years. First row, from left to right: Mustafa Atici (Regierungsrat Kanton Basel-Stadt), Karin Mössenlechner (Ambassador of the Kingdom of the … Read more » “Erasmus of Rotterdam is back in Basel from not being away.”

The complete Correspondence of Erasmus comes to Basel

Although it is not sure whether Desiderius Erasmus was born in Gouda or Rotterdam and in which year exactly (1466, 1467, or 1469), his birth date is 28 October. However, his year of death and final resting place are better known. He died on 12 July 1536 in Basel and was buried in the cathedral … Read more » “The complete Correspondence of Erasmus comes to Basel”

Second meeting of Creaton rumantsch

In 1938, the Swiss people voted overwhelmingly in favour of Romansh as the Confederation’s fourth national language (alongside French, German and Italian). The history of this language and its five idioms goes back to the time of the Rhaetians, a term for tribes who inhabited the east of present-day Switzerland centuries before the Roman conquest … Read more » “Second meeting of Creaton rumantsch”

New archaeological finds in Celtic and Roman Switzerland

Who has not heard of or admired the public buildings, art, utensils (now objects of art), coins, and other finds from the Celtic and Roman periods? Arab, Iranian and Jewish scholars and later monks saved ancient authors and their writings for posterity before secular scholars, universities and humanists got involved from the 13th century onwards. … Read more » “New archaeological finds in Celtic and Roman Switzerland”

And a Happy New Year

Following the fifth anniversary of The Swiss Spectator in 2024, the second jubilee of its tenth anniversary begins in 2025. The editorial board thanks you for your interest, comments and suggestions and is looking forward to your continued involvement and wishes you einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr a Happy New Year een voorspoedig en … Read more » “And a Happy New Year”

Silent Night, Holy Night, Tambora Volcano and Switzerland

The Tambora volcano eruption in Indonesia in April 1815 caused a significant cooling of the earth. It was the largest recorded eruption, killing 90,000 people and sending about 150 cubic kilometres of dust and ash thirty kilometres into the atmosphere. The force was equal to 170,000′ Hiroshima bombs’. The cooling was also felt in Switzerland … Read more » “Silent Night, Holy Night, Tambora Volcano and Switzerland”

Carte Blanche and cooperation along Lake Constance

The Internationale Bodensee-Konferenz (IBK) is a political umbrella and driving force for cross-border cooperation on Lake Constance (Bodensee) The IBK consists of the Conference of Heads of Government and a broad network of experts from the states of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria (Germany), Vorarlberg (Austria), the cantons of St Gallen, Thurgau, Schaffhausen, Zurich, Appenzell Ausserrhoden and … Read more » “Carte Blanche and cooperation along Lake Constance”

A Manuscript for the Prince-Bishop of Basel

In 2023, the Gottfried Keller Foundation acquired a medieval manuscript from Basel for Prince-Bishop Johannes von Venningen (1409-1478). This document, important for Jura’s cultural heritage, complements a collection of three manuscripts kept in the Old Archives of the Cantonal Library in Porrentruy. He was elected bishop in 1458 and is best known for buying the Ajoie … Read more » “A Manuscript for the Prince-Bishop of Basel”

Tessanda Handweaving Mill and der European Textile & Craft Award

]The European Textile Academy, an independent international platform for interdisciplinary knowledge transfer in the textile industry, organises the European Textile & Craft Award. The aim is to recognise outstanding achievements in contemporary and traditional craftsmanship, art professions, and their connection to the world of design. In 2024, Tessanda won first prize in the Textile Craft … Read more » “Tessanda Handweaving Mill and der European Textile & Craft Award”

Launch of the first European trinational master’s program

The Upper Rhine region has been home to one of the most successful European cooperation projects for decades. Regio Basiliensis in Switzerland and organisations in Baden-Württemberg (Germany) and Alsace (France) are the driving forces. Last 20 September, for example, the opening of the new trinational master’s programme European Digital and Sustainable Business took place. The … Read more » “Launch of the first European trinational master’s program”