Interlaken, Inter lacus Monastery, Unterseen and the virgin

Interlaken means between the lakes, the Brienzersee and the Thunersee. This is well known. Much less known, however, is its namesake: the monastery ‘Inter lacus’. In the 14th century, the double monastery (Doppelkloster) had a men’s and a women’s section, with 300 nuns and 40 monks. Unterseen on the right and the Spielmatte, 18th century. … Read more » “Interlaken, Inter lacus Monastery, Unterseen and the virgin”

Oberwangen, small village, interesting history

Centuries before and after the beginning of the Roman occupation (15-13 BC), a trade route already ran from the port of Morges-St.-Sulpice (on Lake Geneva) through the Wangental to Oberer Hauenstein. This road through the Wangental and today’s Oberwangen (Canton Bern) was an important transport artery. Various manor houses existed in Roman times. The Burgundians, … Read more » “Oberwangen, small village, interesting history”

St. Blasien Abbey, its Dom and the Abbey Trail

St. Blasien Abbey (Baden-Württemberg) in the Naturpark Südschwarzwald and the Albsteig was founded in the 11th century. A document of the Rheinau Abbey near Schaffhausen mentioned around 800 monks in a community at this site in the Alb Valley (Albtal). The Benedictine abbey was dedicated to Saint Blaise (4th century), an Armenian martyr. The Abbey … Read more » “St. Blasien Abbey, its Dom and the Abbey Trail”

Impressions of Mühlheim

Impressions of Mühlheim The Markgräfler Museum

Impressions of Breisach, Neuf-Brisach, Freiburg im Breisgau and Neuenburg am Rhein

Impressions of Neuf-Brisach  Impressions of Breisach Impressions of Freiburg im Breisgau Impressions of Neuenburg am Rhein

The City and the castle of Erlach

Erlach (Cerlier in French) is mentioned for the first time in the 11th century. Burkhard von Fenis (bishop of Basel 1072-1105) built the castle, and his brother Kuno von Fenis (bishop of Lausanne 1093-1103) founded the abbey St. Johannsen. Count Rudolf von Neuenburg-Nidau (Lake Biel was called Nidauersee) granted city rights in 1266. The castle is … Read more » “The City and the castle of Erlach”

The villages of Göschenen, Wassen and the Tunnels which Connect Europe

The mountain village of Göschenen and Wassen on the Gotthard Route made history when it constructed the world’s longest railway tunnel. From the 13th century onwards, the mule track on the St. Gotthard developed into one of the most essential European Alpine roads through the railway and later the motorway. This history began around 1220-1230. … Read more » “The villages of Göschenen, Wassen and the Tunnels which Connect Europe”

The Sky is the Limit in Binningen and Franeker

As is well known, the unit of account of a year is the time taken by planet Earth for its orbit around the sun. The moon and stars also play a role in this measurement of time. In Switzerland, there are 46 obervatories 26 of which are affiliated to the national organisation Schweizerische Astronomische Gesellschaft/Société … Read more » “The Sky is the Limit in Binningen and Franeker”

Zofingen: from Helvetian, Roman, Frohburger, Habsburger, Berner to Swiss citizens

Zofingen (canton Aargau) was founded in 1201 by the Counts of Frohburg. However, centuries before, the town was already a relatively large Roman settlement. The remains of a bathhouse, a villa (Gutshof), and other finds indicate this. Model and location of the Roman and medieval bathing complex The place was on the trade route from … Read more » “Zofingen: from Helvetian, Roman, Frohburger, Habsburger, Berner to Swiss citizens”

(Deutsch) Perlen, Parfums und die französische und schweizerische Geschichte von Saint-Gingolph

The organisation ‘The Most Beautiful Swiss Villages’ (Die schönsten Schweizer Dörfer/Les plus beaux villages de Suisse) portrays villages and small towns. These geographical gems are located in Switzerland’s four language regions and Liechtenstein. However, St. Gingolph (kanton Valais), although not registered as a jewel, is the only village where they have made pearls for over … Read more » “(Deutsch) Perlen, Parfums und die französische und schweizerische Geschichte von Saint-Gingolph”