On the occasion of the anniversary of three hundred years of the Principality of Liechtenstein, the exhibition (Liechtenstein – von der Zukunft der Vergangenheit/Liechtenstein. On the Future of the Past) shows masterpieces from the 15th to 19th century from the major collections of the Prince of Liechtenstein, artworks from the 20th and 21st centuries from the collection of the Museum of Art Liechtenstein, accompanied by loans from the Hilti Art Foundation Collection and the Batliner Collection. The Princely Collections contain superb works of European art, paintings, and sculptures from the early Renaissance to Austrian Romanticism. The collection of Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein is devoted to modernist art and particularly to contemporary art, with the holdings of the Hilti Art Foundation and the Batliner Collection featuring masterpieces from classical modernism to contemporary art. In this way, the exhibition pursues a special narrative. Juxtaposing works from different eras, the show opens up a dialogue and allows visitors to experience the continuity of fundamental questions concerning the history of humankind.
"The cradle of the confederation" Chamber of the Swiss national Council by Charles Giron (1859-1914), 1901.
Photograph: www.parlament.ch.
Photograph: www.parlament.ch.