The complete Correspondence of Erasmus comes to Basel
29 January 2025
Although it is not sure whether Desiderius Erasmus was born in Gouda or Rotterdam and in which year exactly (1466, 1467, or 1469), his birth date is 28 October. However, his year of death and final resting place are better known.
He died on 12 July 1536 in Basel and was buried in the cathedral (Münster). This gesture was a great tribute to the (critical) Catholic Erasmus, as the Münster and Basel had switched to the Protestant faith in 1529.
Erasmus’s many works as a philosopher, theologian, writer, and humanist are still topical. On 7 February, Dutch publisher Ad Donker will present the University Library of Basel with the first Dutch-language edition of Erasmus’s complete correspondence.
Erasmus lived, worked and published in Basel for over 10 years, and the University Library Basel holds one of the largest (digital) collections, first editions and original documents of Erasmus.
This edition complements the scientific edition De haereticis an sint persequendi (1554-1557) by Sebastian Castellio (1515-1563) in German, French and Latin by the Swiss publisher Schwabe Verlag (Basel, 2022).
Castellio (Protestant) and Erasmus lived in Basel for a long time. The University Library Basel also has an extensive collection of writings and correspondence by Castellio, who regarded Erasmus as a kindred spirit and example.
The presentation of ‘The Correspondence of Desiderius Erasmus’ in 21 volumes will take place on 7 February between 15.00 and 16.00 in the University Library ( Universitätsbibliothek, Hauptbibliothek, Vortragssaal) and is open to the public.
(Further information and registration: Universitätsbibliothek Basel)