Kloster St. Petersinsel. Foto/Photo: TES

Monastery on St. Peter Island and Jean-Jacques Rousseau

The first monastery on St. Peter Island (St. Peterinsel/île de Saint-Pierre) in Lake Biel (Bielersee/lac de Bienne, Canton Bern) was built in Merovingian times (the 7th and 8th centuries). This benedictine building was later extended with a rectangular choir.

The church (built around 1120) on the left was destroyed during the Reformation. On the right is the reconstruction of the first church (11th century), which was never completed. Image: St. Petersinsel

In the 11th century, the monastery became a convent of the powerful Order of Cluny. The intended large basilica with three naves was never built, but the foundations show a direct relationship with the monasteries of Cluny II (980) and Romainmôtier III (1028).

The monastery was incorporated into St. Vincent’s Abbey in Bern in 1484. Its church was destroyed during the Reformation (1530). Bern became the new owner, and the complex became a hospital. Nowadays, the monastery complex is a hotel and restaurant.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) lived on the island in 1765 and wrote: “I have stayed several times in enchanting places, but to none have I owed such delighted hours, and to none have I mourned so much as to St. Peter’s Island”.

(De toutes les habitations où j’ai demeuré et j’en ai eu de charmantes, aucune ne m’a rendu si veritable heureux et ne m’a laissé de si tendres regrets que l’île de Saint-Pierre, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, ‘Rêveries du promeneur solitaire’).


Jean-Jacques Rousseau Museum

An archaeological trail shows the history of this monastery complex and the remains from the Celtic, Roman, and Merovingian periods, including pile dwellings, Roman finds, and sarcophagi from the Merovingian period.

Roman pillar from a temple

Merovingian Sacrophage (around 700)

Remains of a wall against the waves (built around 1770)

(Source: D. Gutscher, A. Moser, L’île  Saint-Pierre, Bern, 2010)