Susch, Flüela Pass, Muzeum Susch and Jörg Jenatsch
13 July 2023
The village of Susch (Canton Graubünden) lies at the foot of the Flüela Pass, at the entrance to the Vereina Tunnel and on the River Inn. The towers of La Tuor and La Praschun and the steeple of the Gothic church of St. Jon characterise the village. The name was first mentioned in a document in 1161 as Susis.
The Rohan fortress was built by the commanders Duke Henri of Rohan (1579-1638) and Jörg Jenatsch (1596-1639) during the Grisons turmoil (1619-1639) in 1635.
Muzeum Susch
Until the Engadine line of the Rhaetian Railway was opened in 1913, the population lived mainly from traffic over the Flüela Pass and agriculture. Today, tourism, the Muzeum Susch and a health clinic are essential economic activities.
(Source and further information: Susch,Gemeinde Zernez)
The Flüelapass