The Renovation of the Barracks of the Papal Swiss Guard

The Foundation for the Renovation of the Barracks of the Papal Swiss Guard in the Vatican (La Fondation pour la Rénovation de la Caserne de la Garde Suisse Pontificale au Vatican/ Die Stiftung für die Renovation der Kaserne der Päpstlichen Schweizergarde im Vatikan) was established in 2016.

Its objective is the renewal of the barracks buildings and the other infrastructure facilities of the Guard. Its status as a Swiss tax-exempt foundation is recognised.

The guards barracks renovation project includes the three existing barracks buildings. At present, two buildings are used as troop accommodation for unmarried guardsmen and for the canteen.

The administrative offices and the officers and their families are accommodated in the third building. The buildings were built in the 19th century. Since then, hardly any renovations have been carried out.

The Swiss Guard. Foto: www.

The Foundation has undertaken to raise the necessary 50 million francs. The Vatican has allocated 5 million Swiss francs to provide temporary accommodation for the guards during the construction work.

The foundation has raised 37.5 million francs to date. It will now focus its energy on raising the remaining 7.5 million francs by the end of the year.

The work will begin, when funding is secured. The earliest possible time is at the close of the Holy Year 2025.

Source and further information: The Foundation for the Renovation of the Barracks of the Papal Swiss Guard in the Vatican

City: Solothurn