Museum Reichenau

Three Romanesque churches from from the time of the Carolingians and Ottonians from the 9th to the 11th century attest to the significance of the former Benedictine abbey on the Monastic Island of Reichenau. The museum site comprises the three Romanesque churches on the island. Their wall paintings still impress today. The triple-naved Minster of St. Mary and St. Mark, formerly the monastery church, is today a Catholic parish church. In the St. Peter and Paul Church, the organ and Romanesque paintings worth seeing. The monumental Ottonian murals in the Church of St. George, the sole surviving example north of the Alps are on display. Another artefact are the Reichenau manuscripts.

Museum: Museum Reichenau
City: Reichenau
Country: Germany
Address: Erdgat 1