Les Cent Suisses
24 August 2019
The Historical Museum of Vevey presents the city’s heritage and region (Lavaux).
The museum is housed in a 16th-century castle.

There are two collections: a collection of ancient keys, locks and boxes and the works by the painter F.A.L. Dumoulin (1753-1834). Dumoulin witnessed the Franco-English naval battles in the West Indies (1775-1783). He painted these events.

The museum also pays attention to the Fête des Vignerons in a separate section (Musée de la Confrérie des Vignerons, www.confreriedesvignerons.ch).
The Confrérie des Vignerons became the owner of the building in 1986 and has its headquarters on the first floor. Les Cent Suisses, the famous Hundred Swiss, have participated in the Fête since 1819 and 2019 with women, les Suissesses.

(More information: www.museehistoriquevevey.ch).