Das Buch 'die schönsten Schweizer Dörfer'. Foto/Photo: www.borghisvizzera.ch.

New Members and the Book

The small town of Diessenhofen (Thurgau Canton) is located between Schaffhausen and Stein am Rhein, on one of the most beautiful river landscapes in Europe.

Bosco Gurin (Ticino Canton) is the highest village in the canton and lies in an alpine basin at an altitude of 1,500 metres.

The mountain village of Albinen in Upper Wallis (Oberwallis) impresses with its spectacular location above the Dala Gorge with the imposing rocky basin of the Daubenhorn in the background. The village is a dense cluster of houses consisting of chalets, barns and lofts, all perfectly oriented to the south.

In the first edition of the official guide of the organisation Les plus beaux villages de Suisse/ Die schönsten Schweizer Dörfer (The most beautiful Swiss villages), these villages will also be introduced as new members.

The book appears after the 15th of June.

The book offers a careful portrait, practical information and beautiful illustrations.

On 208 pages and with more than 200 photos, the guide lists no fewer than 43 villages and small towns, spread across 15 cantons and 2 countries (Switzerland and Liechtenstein).

The guide is published in three different languages (French, German and Italian).

(Source and further information: www.borghisvizzera.ch).