8 March 2022
The beautiful villages Corcelles and Cormondrèche (canton of Neuchâtel) merged in 1889. The two villages counted 560 inhabitants in 1750 and more than 4700 today. Even the plague in 1629 (160 deaths out of 500 inhabitants) did not slow down the growth of the population in the longer term. Before the industrialization of the 19th century, the economy was mainly based on wine and agriculture.
The castle of Cormondrèche
The Prieuré of Cormondrèche is a beautiful heritage from the 16th century. The building houses famous wine cellars. The Prieuré, therefore, has no religious meaning, contrary to the building with a similar name in Corcelles.
The Prieuré (Priory) of Corcelles (Curcellis in the Middle Ages) was a medieval Romanesque church. The present-day architecture mainly dates from 1406. The church St. Peter and St. Paul was offered to the Abbey of Cluny in 1092. The church has been protestant since 1530 and thus a temple.
Corcelles is part of the cultural itinerary of the network of Cluny sites today. (L’itinéraire Culturel du réseau des sites clunisiens).
The commune merged in January 2022 with the city of Neuchâtel
(Source and further information: (
Cormondrèche, le Prieuré