Château de Thielle
2 September 2021
The seigneury, la châtellenie Thielle, (canton Neuchâtel), Zihl in German, was created around the middle of the 14th century with legal, military and administrative functions in the county of Neuchâtel.
The la châtellenie ruled La Coudre, Hauterive, Saint-Blaise, Voëns, Le Maley, Le Vilaret, Cornaux, Thielle, Marin, Epagnier, and hamlets.
The castle was the seat of civil and criminal justice. In addition to the military mandate, the Lord presided over the twelve-member court. Until 1491, the Lord also collected the toll at the Thielle bridge.
The seigneury of Landeron acquired the châtellenie of Thielle in 1814. The châtellenie was dissolved in 1848. The castle is privately owned and houses a restaurant today.
(Source: G. Olivier Girardbille, Thielle, châtellenie. Dictionaire historique de la Suisse, 04.12.2012)