The exhibition (Krieg und Frieden. Bilderchroniken aus der Frühzeit der Alten Eidgenossenschaft) presents a selection of richly illustrated chronicles from the 15th century onwards. Individual Orte and towns and increasingly the Eidgenossenschaft as an alliance of independent Orte/towns show their history, war and peace in the beautifully decorated handwritten chronicles. Some of the most important of these manuscripts are exhibited: a.o. The Tschachtlan Chronicle, the Great Chronicle of the Burgundian Wars (Grosse Burgunderchronik) by Diebold Schilling the Elder (1445-1486), the Schodol Chronicle from Bremgarten, the Zurich Edlibach Chronicle, the first authentic cityscape of Zurich, the earliest manuscript with the history of Arnold Winkelried (the hero of the battle of Sempach in 1386), the first map of the Swiss Confederation and the first printed atlas of Switzerland.