Romansh in and outside Graubünden
24 July 2023
From 24 to 28 July, the language course in Vallader, one of the five main dialects of Romansh, took place in Scuol (canton of Graubünden). Lia Rumantscha, in collaboration with Uniun dals Grischs, welcomed 150 participants from the French, German and Italian-speaking regions of Switzerland and abroad.
The first Bible in Vallader, Scuol 1671. Museum d’Engiadina Bassa
Lia Rumantscha also launched the project “Rumantsch en la diaspora“. This project aims to establish cooperation with and for Romansh-speaking communities and others interested outside Graubünden.
To date, five organisations have been set up. They are based in Basel, Bern, Lucerne, St. Gallen/Appenzell and Winterthur. They have been organising various events since the autumn of 2022.
St. Müstair
The annual Vallader autumn course will be held in St. Müstair from 9 to 13 October 2023.
(Source and further information: and the Uniun dals Grischs).
The Inn (L’En in Romansh) and Hotel Belvédère in Scuol