Roman archaeo-zoology in Augusta Raurica
21 September 2021
Equus asinus (donkey), bos taurus (cow), numida meleagris (guinea fowl), capra hircus (goat), columba domestica (pigeon), pavo cristatus (peacock), sus domesticus (pig), gallus gallus (hen), anser domesticus (goose), anas domesticus (duck) or columba domestica (pigeon) are just some of the animals found in the Roman archaeo-zoology (Archäozoologie) in Augusta Raurica in Augst (Canton of Basel-Landschaft).
This animal park, which is as original as scientifically interesting, researches domestic animals in the Roman Empire. Augusta Raurica, Colonia Augusta Rauracum, founded in 44 B.C., was a Roman town with about 10,000 inhabitants in the first century A.D.
The research is based on bones and skeletons, waste, wall paintings, texts, DNA research and other technical methodology. Minor finds can provide a reliable picture of eating habits and social differentiation.
The park shows many animals and lies in the middle and at the foot of Roman ruins and the city’s eastern gateway and viaduct. In addition, the park pays attention to agriculture and arable farming in the vicinity of this Roman city and the role of the animals.
The animal park is part of the Augusta Raurica open-air museum.
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