Association L’Alouette in Hérémence
6 November 2021
The village of Hérémence in the Val des Dix (canton of Valais) is best known for the St. Nicolas church. Less spectacular, but still worth mentioning, is the cultural association Groupe folklorique l’Alouette.
The association, founded in 1950, brings folklore, local traditions and clothing back to life. On the occasion of its seventieth anniversary in 2020, celebrated in 2021 because of Covid-19, it has reconstructed the clothes of men, women and children of the valley from past centuries and placed them in a contemporary perspective, including long-forgotten household tools for making and repairing clothes.
The exhibition took place in the forge, part of the museum d’Hérémence.
The exhibition featured women’s hats, clothes for weddings, funerals and other celebrations and mourning, daily life, sundays and other holidays.
The association published a catalogue/brochure: Eric Genolet (Rédaction), Tu mets le blantsè. Porter le costume d’ Hérémence dans le temps présent. Hérémence, 2021.
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