Abegg Foundation

The Foundation (Abegg-Stiftung) houses textiles and other works of art from Europe, the Near East and regions along the Silk Road. Its collection of textiles dating from the fourth century BC up to around 1800 is world famous. Among the many highlights are several large wall hangings from Egypt in late antiquity and European fabrics and liturgical vestments dating from the twelfth to the eighteenth century. Central Asian weavings of the eighth and ninth century and silk robes from the Chinese Liao Dynasty (907–1125) are another focus of the collection. The Abegg-Stiftung also owns some important works of both fine and applied arts. These include precious panel paintings by the workshop of Rogier van der Weyden or Sandro Botticelli, medieval wooden sculptures, some exquisite gold work as well as bronzes and ceramics from the Ancient Near East.

Museum: Abegg Foundation
City: Riggisberg
Country: Switzerland
Address: Werner Abeggstrasse 67
Website: http://www.abegg-stiftung.ch