Le Pays-d´Enhaut
17 March 2021
Le Pays-d´Enhaut belonged to the Count of Gruyère until 1555. After his bankruptcy, the region was ruled by Bern (the city also introduced the Reformation).
The region was assigned to the new canton of Vaud by the Act of Mediation (Mediationsakte) in 1803.
The three most important villages are Rougemont, Château-d´Oex and Rossinière; smaller villages are, amongst others, Flendruz, Gérignoz, Le Pré, Les Moulins and La Tine.
Château-d´Oex owes its name to the (disappeared) castle of the Counts of Gruyères.
The region is known for its chalets, Parc Gruyère Pays d´Enhaut, cheese production and four (Romanesque) churches. The protestant Church in Château-d´Oex was restored after the great fire of 1800 and still dominates the village’s skyline.
The church was rebuilt in the 15th century for the first time. The other (Romanesque) churches are in Rossinière (13th century), Rougemont (1080) and L´Etivaz (15th century).
The villages encompass many jewels of architecture, amongst others :
in Rossinière:
Le Borjoz (1604), le Grand Chalet (1754), Clos Fleuri (1600), l´Hotel de Ville (1645), la Maison de la Place (1664);
in Rougemont:
Les Foisses (1705), Hôtel de Commune (1709), La Cotze (1654), la Maison du Cordier (1655), les Clématites (1647), les Arolles (1701);
in Château-d´Oex:
La Vielle Cure des Poses (1551) and la Maison des Monnaires (1753).
The museum du Pays d´Enhaut in Château-d´Oex shows the (cultural) history of the region.
(Source and further information: www.chateau-doex.ch).