Kloster became Klosters
29 July 2021
The monastery is first mentioned in 1222 in a bull by Pope Honorius III (1150-1227). The name of the village Klosters is derived from this.
The barons of Vaz were its patrons. The valley and the village came into the hands of the barons of Toggenburg in 1338. The Counts of Montfort inherited the town of Klosters and sold it in 1477 to Duke Sigmund of Austria.
The founding of Zehngerichtebund took place in 1436 in Davos. When the three unions (Gotteshausbund, Grauer Bund and Zehngerichtebund) united in 1471, Klosters became a member as a Gericht but at the same time remained an Austrian subject. The Free State of the Three Unions (Freistaat der Drei Bünde) was founded in 1524.
Klosters changed religion in 1525 and dissolved the monastery. In 1649, the ten Gerichte bought themselves free from Austria. In 1803, Graubünden joined the Swiss Confederation (Act of Mediation), which existed until 1813, and the Confederations of 1815 and 1848.
In 1852 the first hotels were built. The Landquart-Klosters line of the Rhaetian Railway became operational in 1889.
(Source: www.klosters-serneus.ch).