Erlach. Photo/Foto: TES.

The City and the castle of Erlach

Erlach (Cerlier in French) is mentioned for the first time in the 11th century. Burkhard von Fenis (bishop of Basel 1072-1105) built the castle, and his brother Kuno von Fenis (bishop of Lausanne 1093-1103) founded the abbey St. Johannsen. Count Rudolf von Neuenburg-Nidau (Lake Biel was called Nidauersee) granted city rights in 1266.

The castle is one of the oldest in the canton of Bern. The Counts of Neuenburg also lived there.

In the 13th century, the castle became the property of the Dukes of Savoy, who used it as the bailiff’s residence. Bern conquered the town in 1474. Nowadays, the castle houses an educational institute and the Museum of Erlach.

(Source and further information:

Erlach and St. Petersinsel/l’Ile Saint-Pierre

Erlach Castle


Other impressions


Martin Disler (1949-1996), sculpture from ‘Häutung und Tanz’, 1990. Loan from  Galerie Mayhaus, Erlach

Image: Museum Erlach

Image: Museum Erlach