Europe´s Oldest Army in Vatican City and Women
14 May 2024
On 22 January 1506, Pope Julius II (1443-1513) founded the Swiss Guard. During this period, Europe experienced many wars, and princes often fought these wars with mercenaries from other territories.
At the time of the Swiss Guard’s establishment, the Eidgenossenschaft was a military superpower renowned for its victories over the most powerful royal houses: Habsburg (1315-1499) and Burgundy (1476 and 1477). What set their soldiers apart was not just their military might but their loyalty and bravery, making them highly sought after.
This warlike pope was also impressed and decided to establish a Swiss Guard as his bodyguard. Not only at the Sacco di Roma on 6 May 1527, but the Guard also lived up to its prestige on 10 August 1792 when defending the Tuileries Palace of King Louis XVI (1754-1793).
Pratteln, Galerie Beyeler, Exhibition Die Schweizer Garde, 2019
The Swiss Guard still exists today, consisting of 135 men with Swiss citizenship who are Catholic, unmarried, and between 19 and 30 years old when they join.
Today, the Swiss Guard is a unique institution, consisting of 135 men with Swiss citizenship, Catholic, unmarried and between 10 and 30 years old when joining.
Their roles are diverse, ranging from military to representative functions. They also play a role in border control, overseeing the borders of Vatican City, a sovereign papal state since 1929. The term of service is at least 25 months, with the option to leave or re-sign thereafter.
Under the Swiss Constitution of 1848, Swiss citizens were no longer allowed to enter foreign military service except the Swiss Guard. Thus, many centuries of Swiss mercenary service ended.
Gala-Uniform of the Schweizer Garde. Landesmuseum Zürich
On 6 May 2024, 34 new guardsmen were installed in Rome in the Saint-Damas Court of the Apostolic Palace. Women were not yet among them, but that is about to change. If all goes according to plan and with papal approval, the new guard barracks will also house women in 2030.
Work on the barracks, including rooms for women, is in progress. The Kasernenstiftung, established in 2016, was created for funding after the Gardestiftung had already been established in 2000. Next step: priesthood for women and the end of celibacy?
(Source and further information: Museum der Schweizergarde; Päpstliche Schweizergarde)