Textile Country Eastern Switzerland
25 August 2021
Eastern Switzerland (Ostschweiz) is a real textile country. It was one of the world’s most significant export areas for embroidery products for a long time.
Around 1910, over half of the world’s production came from Eastern Switzerland. With about one-fifth, the embroidery was the largest export branch of the entire Swiss economy.
The First World War ended the heyday of embroidery in eastern Switzerland, and it lost importance. But trade and industry left their mark on east Switzerland.
Textiles from the St. Gallen region are more than just functional fabrics. They convince with their quality, creativity and affinity for fashion. Even today, high-quality and innovative textiles are developed and produced in this region.
The highlights in the region are: the Textile Museum St. Gallen (www.textilmuseum.ch), the theme tour in Trogen (www.jahrhundertderzellweger.ch), the Museum Appenzell (www.museum.ai.ch), the regional museum Flawil (www.ortsmuseumflawil.ch), the industrial path Hauptwil-Bischofszell (www.outdooractive.com), the Saurer Museum (www. saurermuseum.ch), the Biedermeier Village Heiden (www.biedermeier.ch), the textile village Rehetobel (www.textildorf.ch).
The St. Gallen Textile Path leads to remarkable textile buildings in the centre of St. Gallen.
(Source and further information: www.textilland.ch).