La Tigia Pulenta/Polentahütte, Schons. Graubünden.

Strength in diversity in Graubünden

Based on the Language Act (Sprachengesetz, Art. 22) and the Language Ordinance (Sprachenverordnung, Art. 18 and 25), the Confederation supports the cantons of Graubünden and Ticino in the preservation and promotion of the Romansh and Italian languages and culture.

In 2018, the Confederation commissioned an evaluation to examine the impact of financial support on the canton of Graubünden.

The evaluation is also a response to the Semadeni postulate (15.4117) Allegra, Romanisch und Italienisch sollen leben (Allegra, Romansh and Italian should live), adopted by the National Council (Nationalrat) on 28 September 2017.

The evaluation (Studienberichte des Zentrums für Demokratie Aarau, Nr. 16 31. März 2019) was carried out by the Centre for Democracy Aarau (Zentrum für Demokratie Aarau, ZDA) in 2019..

The canton’s government (Regenza) implemented the recommendations by the project Stärke in der Vielfalt 2021-2024 (Strength in diversity 2021-2024).

There are 80 concrete measures at the cantonal level and measures assigned to the language organisations Lia Rumantscha (LR), Pro Grigioni Italiano (PGI) and the Fundaziun Medias Rumantschas (FMR), as well as other institutions outside the administration.

(Source and further information: