Cossinus, Cossonus or Cossonay
2 July 2021
Cossonay (canton of Vaud) is derived from the Gallo-Roman name Cossinus or Cossonus. In the Middle Ages, it became Cossinacum or Cossonacum.
The first document with the name Cossonay dates from 1096. Uldric of Cossonay donated his goods in Cossonay to the Romainmôtier convent.
In 1405, the dynasty of the Lords of Cossonay died out, and the Dukes of Savoy took over the town. In 1536, Bern conquered the city and ruled it until 1798.
This city has many interesting sights: the church of St. Pierre (the first building dates back to the 8th century), the castle, the Prieuré from the 11th century, medieval city walls and towers (including the Porte de Morges) and streets (including the Ruelle Punaise), the house of the Banneret (16th century) and many other buildings from the 16th and 17th centuries.