Castle, House of Rivaz, Chapel and Museum in St. Gingolph
2 February 2021
Charles-Joseph de Rivaz (1713-1759), an aristocrat from Valais, built this house (Maison de Rivaz) in 1754 next to the castle, which had been built in 1588.
Charles acquired ownership of the castle in 1749. His son, Charles-Emmanuel (1753-1830), bought the in 1826. A garden surrounded the house and the castle without the present-day buildings.
The municipality of St. Gingolph took over the complex in 1837. Today, the complex houses the town hall, the museum of the traditions and barques of Lake Geneva (Musée des Traditions et des Barques du Léman), L’Ecole Suisse des Parfumeurs Créateurs and the shop and atelier of Perles du Léman.
(Source: Patrick Elsig, La construction de la Maison de Rivaz,à Saint-Gingolph (1751-1754); Commune of Saint-Gingolph)
Isaac de Rivaz (1752-1828)
The chapel de la Saint-Famille (1677)