Flowers for Art in Aarau
7 March 2024
From 5 to 10 March 2024, the Aargauer Kunsthaus celebrates the start of spring for the tenth time with the exhibition “Flowers for Art”.
Hans Ernst Brühlmann, Mädchen auf dem Hügel., 1907. Florist Massimo Bundi
Arnold Böcklin, Bergschloss mit Kriegerzug, 1871. Florist: Rémy Jaggi
In March, there are usually no flowers in bloom outside. The Kunsthaus presents the exhibition with the association Flowers to Arts, ” which brings spring to Aarau. For the tenth time, florists will be inspired by works of Art from the Aargauer Kunsthaus collection, giving them a floral response.
Flowers for Art spans an arc between floristry and Art and provides surprising perspectives when viewing the 14 works in the collection.
(Source and further information: Das Aargauer Kunsthaus)
Otto Morach, Fabrikumbau, 1916. Floristin: Angela Kaspar