Animalistic ! One Theme, Four Exhibitions
10 November 2021
From antiquity to the present day, animals and hybrid creatures have provided guidance and protected us in the shape of amulets. Creatures like Lassie, Baloo and Bagheera from The Jungle Book, or melodious nightingales provide for entertainment.
But how has the relationship between humans and animals changed, here and elsewhere? What are the strengths and abilities attributed to animals? How do they communicate, among themselves and with us humans? What perceptions and criteria determine the relationship between humans and animals? Why is this relationship almost invariably described as ambivalent?
Four Basel museums go in search of answers in the joint project Animalistic! One Theme — Four Exhibitions.
The four exhibitions (each exhibition is separately mentioned in the Agenda):
animalistic ! Animals and hybrid creatures in Antiquity, ( Tiere und Mischwesen in der Antike), 19 September 2021-19 June 2022, Anitkenmuseum und Sammlung Ludwig Basel;
animalistic ! No Culture without animals, (tierisch! Keine Kultur ohne Tiere), 27 August 2021-20 November 2022, Museum der Kulturen Basel;
animalistic ! The Sound of Animals, (tierisch! Der Klang der Tiere), 22 October 2021 – 25 June 2022, Historisches Museum Basel;
animalistic ! From animals to active pharmaceutical ingredients, (tierisch ! Vom Tier zum Wirkstoff), 3 December 2021 – 5 June 2022, Pharmaziemuseum Basel.
(Source and further information: