The exhibition (Schnee war gestern – in den Voralpen) takes a look at a time when winter sports in the pre-Alps were booming and attracted huge numbers to the slopes, cross-country ski tracks and sledge runs. The show also touches on topical issues such as climate change, highlights its consequences and asks what the future holds for winter sports in the Alpine foothills.

It is only fifty years ago, In the 1960s and 1970s, that numerous small ski resorts were set up in the pre-Alps. Thousands of city dwellers and foreigners flocked to the slopes. Skiing became a popular sport for young and old.  Nowadays many of these ski resorts are fighting to survive. Due to the increased absence of snow, they are finding it hard to remain viable, despite the availability of snow cannons. Winter sports will probably have disappeared from low-lying areas by the middle of the 21st century.