In September 2021, Chantal Convertini (*1992) rented a house in Corsica and invited eight other colleagues whom, until then, she had known only on Instagram to join her for a project.
The group bonded not only on the photographic level but also as human beings. Hundreds of photographs were taken in the space of a few days: self-portraits, nudes, group pictures, details and landscapes. Much emerged out of the moment and the mood; and the photos also show the mutual trust growing with each passing day.
Photo’s : Felicitas Schwenzer, Charlotte Grimm
The exhibition’s title of Corse is a reference to the place where those photographic moments originated and to the natural way in which the photographs came about.
Initially, there were no plans to show these sometimes very intimate photos in an exhibition. The exhibtion showcases works from: Chantal Convertini, Lena Aires, Charlotte Grimm, Dafni Planta, Monika Jia Rui Scherer, Felicitas Schwenzer, Mayara Scudeler, Catia Simões and Shannon Tomasik.
Photo’s: Lena Aires, Dafni Planta
Replica of the living room in Corsica
Photo’s: Lena Aires
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