The exhibition (Moment. Monument. Aspects of contemporary sculpture) presents positions of sculpture by around 20 artists in the field of tension between duration and transience.
A monument is a man-made building or work of art. In a narrower sense, monument also means a memorial or memorial and reminds us of a historical personality or a historical event.
However, the monument always claims meaning and validity. Monument comes from the Latin verb ´monere´ to remember.
Sculpture today takes up the formal possibilities of the past, but redefines them for the present in terms of content.
Today it is less about a cultural and social revolution, about overcoming an artistic canon, but rather about redefining it in terms of content and material.
Artistic approaches no longer have to assert themselves as a radical break with tradition, but rather build on the past, combine it with the experiences of today and create works that are carried by their own sensibility.