Tandem in the Museum
30 November 2021
Around 70 museums throughout Switzerland have been facilitating unconventional encounters by “TiM – Tandem in the Museum” since 2020.
TiM facilitates encounters and opens the museums to new target groups in Graubünden. More than 100 so-called TiM guides are active throughout the country and accompany other people to museums.
In pairs, they tell a story about a work of art or museum object and get to know each other through this experience. At the same time, they become active in the museum and thus shape their museum experience.
By 2023, 500 TiM guides will be active in more than 100 museums. The stories that emerge during TiM visits can be published on the virtual “Musée imaginaire Suisse” (www.mi-s.ch).
In collaboration with the Lia Rumantscha, TiM has also been available in Romansh since this year.
The St. Johann Monastery Museum in Müstair, the Kirchner Museum Davos, the Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur and the Casa d’Angel in Lumbrein are participating.
(Source and further information: www.tim-tam.ch).