The Segantini Museum was opened in St. Moritz in 1908, nine years after the death of Giovanni Segantini (1858-1899). The imposing central part of the building positioned on the steep mountainside overlooking Lake St. Moritz points eastwards towards the Schafberg mountain, where Segantini died.
The architect Nicolaus Hartmann (1880–1956) based his design on the monumental pavilion that Segantini had created to house his Engadine Panorama at the Paris World Exhibition in 1900. The building with its mighty dome looks like a mausoleum, an impressive, accessible memorial.
Vacca bruna all’abbeveratolo, Braune Kuh an der Tranke, 1892
Im Schaffstall, All’ovile, 1892
The collection represents a broad cross-section of Giovanni Segantini’s (1858-1899) work, the main emphasis being on his Savognin period (1886-1894), from which there are six paintings on show.
The monumental Alpine Triptychon La vita – la natura – la morte (Life – Nature – Death) and items from the Museum’s own collection, together with the exceptional collection from the Giovanni Segantini Foundation, constitute the world’s most comprehensive and important exhibition of works by this innovative master of alpine painting.
La Vita (Werden), La Natura (Sein) and La Morte (Vergehen), 1896-1899
Gottardo Segantini (1882-1974), affiche 1909.
Documentation about the painter in the Museum
Museum: Segantini Museum St. MoritzCity: St. Moritz
Country: Switzerland
Address: Via Somplaz 30