The Foundation (La Fondation Pierre Gianadda) presents works by Klee, Goya, Rodin, Giacometti, Schiele, Lautrec, Moore, Modigliani, Claudel, Chagall, Braque, Degas, de Staël, Manet, Dufy, Miró, Gauguin, Bonnard, Kandinsky, Van Gogh, Picasso, Van Dongen, Morisot, Signac, Anker, Balthus, Erni, Renoir, Matisse and other modern artists and organises temporary exhibitions.
The complex includes a Roman museum (Musée archéologique Gallo-Romain), culptures), a beautiful park and modern and ancient sculptures (Parc de Sculptures) and an old timer museum (Musée de l’automobile).
Museum: Pierre Gianadda FoundationCity: Martigny
Country: Switzerland
Address: Rue du Forum 59