Association Danse Neuchâtel
13 May 2022
The association, Association Danse Neuchâtel (ADN), was founded in 1996. In the summer of 2003, the ADN launched the Neuchâtel Scène Ouverte festival with dance performances in the city centre, in front of the City Hall, in the squares and in the parks and alleys.
With the Hiver de Danses event, the continuity of the artistic offer was guaranteed in winter till 2020. Building on its success, Hiver de Danses was introduced in more and more locations and places.
In 2018, a collaboration was established with the Centre neuchâtelois des arts vivants (Théâtre populaire romand) in La Chaux-de-Fonds and Neuchâtel.
ADN — Danse Neuchâtel newly organises dance events throughout the year, from January to December. The aim is to support contemporary dance and choreography in the canton (and other regions).
(Source and further information: