Sinfonia d’aua in Flims

Sinfonia d’aua in Flims consists of six small hydropower plants. It shows how nature, technology and people interact and function. The project includes natural phenomena and systems, ecological electricity production, sustainable drinking water use and multifunctional infrastructure for snow-making. For thousands of years, the water in the limestone has sought new ways and created a … Read more » “Sinfonia d’aua in Flims”

Landscapes and Natural Momuments BLN

The federal inventory of landscapes and natural monuments of natural importance (Das Bundesinventar der Landschaften und Naturdenkmäler, BLN, Inventaire fédéral des paysages, sites et monuments naturels (IFP) has 162 objects, which cover an area of approximately 7 800 km2. (Further information:

The Upper-Rhine Region

The Upper Rhine region is called the Trirhena Region, the Belchenland or the Dreiland. It includes Upper-Alsace, the southern part of the Black Forest and the Rhine region of northwest Switzerland. (More information: